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google co founder larry page takes over CEO eric Schimidit.

99% moved to the LINUX

my compaq 510 completely converted to ubuntu. I'm  so hAPPY!

Patient's Information System..

After few months they understood about my project.........
after their board meeting, they decide to install my software to hospital computers.therefore I'm very busy @ these days.i spend my time in Hospital.. i post my project details after this busy week.maybe it's help to you for your final project.
don't You want to know who are they......?????????????????????
They are Administrators of The District General Hospital Matara.

In my HND  I want to make good thing for a Final Project. But i don't have any idea. I'm Thinking few days about that. finally i founded the project case...

For more information about that visit my blog After Few days......  

Linux From Scratch

thees days i was trying to make my own Linux Distribution. but i don't know how to do it. 1st of all I'm going to the Google and type  "how to make my own Linux Distribution".i found some answers for my problem. finally I found it.... I found it.....
LFS is the Optimize solution for my problem. is the best project. I'm going  to the Distrowatch and download new version of I'm trying to make my own Linux Distro.if you want to make your own Linux distro, Try With LFS..

Print ('Python?')

Python is General - Purpose OO Programming's open source.the primer factor cited by python users seem to be these.

1.Software Quality.
for many python's focus on readability,coherence and software quality in general
sets it apart from other tools in the scripting world.python code is design to be readable and hence reusable and maintainable—much more so than traditional scripting languages.

2.Developer productivity
Python boosts developer productivity many times beyond compiled or statically typed languages such as C, C++, and Java. Python code is typically one-third to one-fifth the size of equivalent C++ or Java code. That means there is less to type,less to debug, and less to maintain after the fact. Python programs also run immediately, without the lengthy compile and link steps required by some other tools, further boosting programmer speed.

3.Program portability
python programs can run on any operating's open source,but they don't forget windows..

as a partial list ,python is available on
Linux and Unix Systems
Microsoft WINDOWS and DOS
Mac Os
BeOS, OS/2, VMS, and QNX
Cell phones running Symbian OS and Windows Mobile

This is my New Blog.....

this blog is geek and funny blog..



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